
The Cross Border Development Association – ATPD


The Cross Border Development Association (ATPD) is a nongoverrnarnmental, nonprofit organization, founded in 2004, based in the city Sânnicolau Mare, Timiş County. Together with its partners, ATPD wants to meet the various problems of the Western part of Romania through community development projects, economic development, development of IT sector, combating intolerance and xenophobia among the population. . "We have many talents but more ideas" is the formula by which we act also taking into account three criteria necessary for a sustainable development of our community: awareness of community resources and the effective use of their increased capacity to attract outside resources; promotion of national image and international community.

Our mission border Pro Development is: facilitating the process of community development in the western part of Romania and the purpose of the association is to support and accelerate the transformation of community aspirations into socio-economic realities.

Objectives of the ATPD

  1. Local community should acknowledge the local development potential by using more efficient natural, financial and human resources;
  2. Increase of the capacity of attracting extra-community resources;
  3. Promote the areas with an image deficit problem;
  4. Building a natural environment capable of supporting a diverse economy through ecology based projects;
  5. Support the areas with a touristic potential from western Romania;
  6. Voice the citizens involvement in the decisional process;
  7. Increase quality of the local educational services;
  8. Help and facilitate implement reform in local public administration.

The Cross Border Development Association aims to provide knowledge in the information technology field for a group of 30 young Roma Sânnicolau Mare area in order to participate in Community activities to become aware of different social and cultural realities, to learn one of the other, to strengthen the sense of European citizenship. By participating in this project can sensitize the community on issues of discrimination and racism. Principally priorities of this project are to promote intercultural dialogue among young people, improvement of the educational activity among young Roma in the western part of Romania. Direct beneficiaries: 30 Roma pupils aged between 11 and 15 years, coming from disadvantaged backgrounds in schools Sânnicolau Mare area. The disadvantaged backgrounds means poor families – disorganized, students who do not have a personal computer and not use their skills and knowledge necessaries, lack of access to information and opportunities in computer training, IT.

The Cross Border Development Association is part of the national network Rural Net of 2008, the year 2007 with a guest status. Since 2009 ATPD Sânnicolau Mare has a person who monitors alongside other NGOs Rural Net States, National Rural Development Plan. Other projects in the Border Pro Development Association have been involved are:

a) 2006 project "Local Development Agent" funded by the German Marshall Found, U.S. and Local Government Institute, Budapest – total budget: 166.963 Euro and 346.350 USD – to the Rural Assistance Centre Timisoara

b) 2007 The Leader " – Extended Local Action Group at county level – the regional development strategy of the local action group "Western ".

c) 2007 project "Optimizing dialogue between NGOs and public authorities in rural areas related locale West Romania", financed by CEE Trust, Total budget: 31.460 USD – to the Rural Assistance Centre Timisoara In the period May 1 to November 30, 2009, Border Pro Development Association Sânnicolau Mare city, Timis County, the developed project entitled Youth Initiative – Logo for Community, funded with support from the European Commission through the Youth in Action Program.


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